The Human Story Behind Your Fish:
Why We Should Look Beyond the Environmental Sustainability of our Seafood
This is an online webinar presented by:
Elena Finkbeiner, Ph.D.
Assistant Adjunct Professor, UC Santa Cruz
Coastal Community Fisheries Program Manager, Conservation International
FREE with a suggested donation or membership
Register Here for online webinar
About the Upcoming Presentation
Following major concerns in the environmental sustainability of seafood production, over the last several decades, governments, NGOs, researchers, and industry have invested significant resources in trying to reduce overfishing, minimize environmental impacts of fishing and aquaculture activity, and build supply chain incentives and consumer awareness around seafood sustainability. Recent controversial advocacy efforts have even suggested avoiding seafood consumption altogether.
Much of these science, management, and advocacy efforts have largely ignored the other side of the equation—the human story behind seafood production. Hundreds of millions of people worldwide depend on the seafood sector for their livelihood, half of whom are women, and billions of people rely on fish as their primary source of protein and micronutrients. For many, fishing is much more than food and livelihood security, but is an identity, a culture, and a way of life. Yet, recent research and media exposure has brought increased attention to pervasive human rights violations and the myriad social issues facing the sector, providing the impetus for people to come together to address these issues.
Join Elena to explore the human story behind seafood production. Who depends on this sector and who is the most impacted? What efforts are currently underway to protect human lives in seafood supply chains? What are these efforts missing and what can be done in the future?
What is Science Sunday?
Science Sunday is for everyone interested in the world around them. Join us on the third Sunday of every month (except December) for a public lecture from a marine scientist, who presents current research and topics in an entertaining and easy-to-understand format, with up-to-date photos, video, and discussion.
- Time: 1:30 PM; lectures are one hour long and include time for a few questions at the end.
- Location: Online; webinar preregistration is required.
- Recommended for ages 10 and older.