Gary GriggsGary Griggs is a Distinguished Professor of Earth Sciences at UC Santa Cruz and held the directorship of the Institute of Marine Sciences (IMS) at the University for 26 years. IMS is a research organization that includes Long Marine Lab and the Seymour Marine Discovery Center. Griggs’ coastal research ranges from coastal evolution and development to shoreline processes, coastal hazards, coastal engineering, and sea level rise. He has recently documented coastal erosion processes and has evaluated the effectiveness of coastal protection structures and the impacts of coastal engineering projects (seawalls, jetties, breakwaters) on coastal processes and beaches. He has also examined the impacts of sea level rise on California’s beaches and coastline as well as coastal policies to reduce the impacts of hazards and sea level rise.

Griggs writes a column every other week for the Santa Cruz Sentinel called “Our Ocean Backyard,” in which he addresses topics of interest regarding Monterey Bay and the ocean beyond. His passion for ocean science is the driver for the column, giving him the opportunity to share his knowledge and communicate the importance that ocean science plays in our daily lives.

Browse “Our Ocean Backyard” articles by topic:

Climate Change

The Global Ocean

Energy and Power Moving to Renewable Energy

Coastal Erosion, Protection, and Shoreline Change


Coastal Geology

Waves, Currents and Sea-Level Rise

Natural Disasters

History of the Monterey Bay


Sea Life
